December 2022 / Book: Drawing Hwa-Chaeng: Mapping Contested Territories for Imagination

Drawing Hwa-Chaeng: Mapping Contested Territories for Imagination was published by jeongye-c-publishers, a recognized architecture and design publisher based in Seoul, Korea. As part of the larger Tiki-Taka series, the book explores how mapping can produce knowledge that reframes contested territories into productive spaces. It engages the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) to illustrate how “Hwa-Chaeng” informed mapping can produce knowledge that can reframe contentious territories as synergistic productive spaces. The book was developed based on one of Dongsei Kim's New York Tech's ISRC Grants and was published as a bilingual (English and Korean) book in December 2022.

Kim, Dongsei, 2022. Drawing Hwa-Chaeng: Mapping Contested Territories for Imagination. Seoul: jeongye-c-publishers. (ISBN: 979-11-86058-33-6)

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